15th October 2019
Artsmark Gold
Towards the end of the last academic year Hazelbeck was awarded the prestigious Artsmark Gold Award.
The Award is reserved for schools and education settings that offer high quality art and cultural provision. To acheive the Award the school had to evidence how arts and culture are embedded across the whole curriculum and within school improvement plans - have a look at ourĀ Creative Arts page to read about some of the fantastic arts provision at Hazelbeck which Artsmark took into consideration.
Our collaborative journey has reached an important milestone but is by no means over. Both students and staff continue to grow in confidence and independent skills with the Arts paving their way as they hope to embark on a new and more enriching journey very soon. Thank you to all those who have supported and encouraged our fantastic students and staff to achieve this Award as we truly believe the Arts can unlock so much fantastic potential. Well done to everyone!
Thanks also to the band 'Ollie and the Afterhours' for providing another fantastic concert recently, we are always so happy to have them in school.