Contact Us
Hazelbeck School
Wagon Lane
West Yorkshire
BD16 1EE
Headteacher: Lisa Little
Telephone number for general enquiries: 01274 777107 - Saika Shaheen
School opening hours: 8.30am-3pm* (32 hours per week)
*Because of the large number of vehicles arriving in the mornings, it is not possible for all students to arrive and leave at exactly the same time. Therefore, we have short windows of time at either end of the day for arriving and leaving. Students should officially arrive between 8.35 and 8.55am. Students leave school between 2.40 and 3.00pm each day.
Beckfoot Trust, Wagon Lane, Bingley, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD16 1EE
Tel: 01274 771444 Email:
Chair of Trustees: John Winkley CEO: Shirley Watson