Child Protection and Safeguarding
At Hazelbeck we want all our students to ‘Enjoy, Learn and Succeed’; in order to achieve their maximum potential our students must feel safe and well cared for.
Because our students are amongst the most vulnerable young people, we make a significant commitment to them and their parents and carers to keep them safe.
We also require our staff to make a significant commitment to ensure the health, safety and well-being of themselves, their colleagues and co-workers as well as visitors to the school.
Abuse and Exploitation
The term 'safeguarding' includes the hard edge of protecting both children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation. This involves preventative approaches to keep our students safe, and a prescribed response to any and all concerns about abuse, neglect or exploitation. We will always act on any concerns raised with us by students, parents or staff; all of our staff and volunteers are required to share this commitment as part of their induction and ongoing professional development.
To speak to a member of our Child Protection Team, please call Campus Reception on 01274 777107.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Lisa Little; Deputy DSLs: Jo Dowson, Charlotte Bray, Jonathan Czternastak