School Meals and Free School Meals
Catering at Hazelbeck School is managed by Facilities Management, the Bradford Council Catering Service.
Dinner money is £13.50 per week which will increase to £14 per week from 4 November 2024, it should be paid by 10am on a Monday morning to cover Monday to Friday of that week. There is no credit facility available for school meals, the school operates a no tolerance policy for unpaid school meals, if your child does not have money on their account and no packed lunch has been sent into school, we will contact you to ask you to bring dinner money or a lunch for your child.
Please send snack money in an envelope separate to dinner money which should be clearly marked “Snack Money, your child’s name and base”.
Healthy Reward Points Bringing a Packed Lunch to school? Click here to get lots of tips and ideas for a healthy lunch box. |
Free School Meals
The Free School Meal Entitlement is £2.70 per school day which will increase to £2.80 from 4 November 2024. To check your eligibility or apply for Free School Meals click on the link below called 'Claim your free school meal' leaflet
Students who are entitled to Free School Meals have their daily allowance automatically credited to their Cashless Card Account each day in time for break (any unspent allowance will be removed at the end of the school day). Students can top this up with additional money if they want to. Cashless Cards credited with Free School Meals look just the same as any other card (no-one will know that the student is claiming a Free School Meal).