28th February 2023
New Bikes!
Hazelbeck has recently taken delivery of two adapted bicycles from the Margaret Carey Foundation (MCF). These bikes are valuable additions to our resources and will improve accessibility of the cycling aspect of our Physical Development Curriculum.
The Margaret Carey Foundation promotes restorative justice in prisons:
- delivers community and prison-based work projects
- ensures prison trainees pay back and make amends to society as they serve their sentences
- benefits the environment by recycling unwanted items
- helps communities in need, at home and abroad
They rescue scrapped bicycles and wheelchairs that are no longer in use and set up workshops where prisoners clean, adjust and repair them. Our students were quick to explore the new additions to school resources and explore the potential of cycling. We look forward to a continuing relationship with MCF and supporting the recycling of unused and unwanted equipment.
Click for more details on how to recycle or buy bicycles at the MCF Bikery in Shipley.