14th April 2024
T&A Education Awards
Dear Families,
I write this post with some exciting news about the school. We were recently nominated, by an anonymous parent (a huge thank you to whoever that parent was), for the T&A Education Award 'Secondary School of the Year'. We were selected as one of three finalists and on Thursday, Charlotte and I, attended the awards ceremony on behalf of the school.
We were selected as winners of the Award!
This is a huge accolade to all of the team and the hard work that they put in day in and day out to provide the best possible education and care for our young people. It really is quite incredible what they do and is much more than just a job that they do, it really is something special. We all know the rewards that working with our young people bring but we are also aware of the challenges. Our expectations are high, and rightly so, our young people deserve the best and our staff live up to those expectations every day and support our young people to succeed. They are so deserving of this award and the praise and acknowledgement for what they do. They bring such commitment, dedication and warmth to our young people's lives and believe that they can and will succeed and make progress. They believe, so our young people do. For that I am so incredibly grateful to each and every one of them and so proud.
We also could not do this without the support of you, our young people's families. Your support and belief in Hazelbeck and what we stand for is essential for our young people's success. The collaboration between home and school is essential for us to be a great school and for our young people to achieve all they can. So a huge thank you and congratulations for the part you have played in this too.
With thanks and take care,
Beth McPhail,
Headteacher, Hazelbeck School